My record for being UTI free is eleven months. Three or four UTIs during the span of a year is considered good for me but I started battling these little devils every three or four weeks to the point of getting involved with a transurethral sphincterotomy... twice, about 14 months apart. Bladder retention eventually came around to what the sphincterotomy was supposed to accomplish but I was still experiencing UTIs far too frequently. All I could do was take more antibiotics. The flora in my GI (gastrointestinal) was getting way out of balance with so many antibiotics. Not only was I having to treat the UTIs but was also attempting a GI flora balance with acidophilus and non-dairy yogurt.
The whole experience was getting to be a faster juggling act than I could keep up with. I was becoming allergic to some sulfa antibiotics and resistant to others and the UTIs were coming at a 10-14 day frequency. I started wondering if this was eventually going to be my exit from this earth. My prayer was, "Lord, have mercy! I need a good answer for staying healthy and UTI free."
A fellow SCI and friend, Mike Lamb, from California called sometime during the second week of August to "catch up" and asked how I was doing. I mentioned my challenge with UTIs and he asked if I had ever heard of D-Mannose. Mike's mention of this nutritional supplement was the first I had ever heard of it.
The next day I did an Internet search and found very positive testimonials from people that had experienced the same infection challenges I was having. I was still a little skeptical because the testimonials were coming from web sites that sold the D-Mannose product. I expanded my search to web sites that included unbiased studies on the use of D-Mannose. They were not quite as optimistic but still showed very positive results in favor of preventing and even attacking and eliminating UTIs.
I figured I had nothing to lose so I ordered my first bottle. August 15 was my last day on a five-day round of Levaquin and also the day my D-Mannose order arrived in the mail. Urine clarity that day was still not as clean as I had seen it after antibiotic treatment. I started the recommended maintenance dosage of the D-Mannose that day. About four or five days later I noticed a lot of visible particles floating in cloudy urine. I started the recommended three day treatment for UTI using this newfound (to me) supplement. It worked like a charm.
It has been a few days greater than a month since starting D-Mannose and I have remained UTI free without the use of antibiotics. My GI seems to be thanking me and I am feeling like my energy level is returning to a healthy voltage.
Anytime I consider the urine clarity to be questionable I take a second serving of D-Mannose that evening. By the next morning everything is running clear again. I am still operating cautiously optimistic with this product so stay tuned to my updates. I believe God uses our friends to help Him answer our anxious plea for help. Thanks, Mike, for the heads-up!
I have told my family doctor what I am doing. He wants me to keep him posted. I will be sharing this venture with my urologist at the next checkup. If this simple sugar from a European ash tree is doing such a terrific job at keeping users UTI free why hasn't the word flamed hotter?
I have found the D-Mannose product to be about half the price on the Internet as compared to the best price in town at a health food store. I am buying at If this product proves itself with enough of us maybe we can start the LONG process of convincing insurance companies it would be far cheaper for them to pay for UTI prevention using D-Mannose than to pay for ER visits, doctor visits and even hospitalization.
Learn more about D-Mannose here.
1 comment:
Hope the D-stuff does the trick! You really had us worried for a while.
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