Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Who Inspires Me?

Recently there was an opportunity created by Rock/Creek Outfitters in Chattanooga for people to write something about someone that has inspired them about outdoor pursuits. The winning entry would get $2000 to be shared, $1000 each, between the hero and whoever nominated them. I took the challenge and wrote an entry for what R/C titled Marmot for Life contest. We did not win the $2K but it was fun writing the entry and giving Anthony some recognition. I feel like a winner every time I have friends and family include me in any outdoor experiences that permit me to sooth my gypsy blood and need to immerse myself in the heart of nature. Much of the content of what I share regarding activity I do could not happen unless willing hands are involved such as is captured in the few lines below. Thanks, Anthony, and everyone else for making life so much more meaningful for me!  

Perhaps the one individual that most inspires me because of his energy placed into pursuing the outdoors very much like I did when able-bodied is Anthony Groft. It was a spinal cord injury from a construction accident that paralyzed me. Even though my desire to get outside has not been paralyzed, getting there involves willing hands in creating ability for me. Therein my inspiration is fed from those who are just as eager to get outside as I am eager to get out there. Inspiration to an even greater extent comes from those who are eager to participate in helping me access the outdoors when paddling, camping, snow skiing, and cycling. Anthony is instantly eager to help me join any outdoor events that permit me to operate within safe boundaries. I can always count on him with knowing exactly how all the pieces go together for my kayak, camp, handcycle, and trail experiences. He often paddled with me in my tandem kayak and was there for my first kayak solo.

I have watched Anthony voluntarily hook a tow line from his kayak to that of another kayak being paddled by a gentleman whose disability challenged him in comprehending effective technique for maintaining forward momentum. Anthony never complained and in fact was happy to have made a difference in that gentleman's paddle and outdoor experience that day.

I would be happy to know that the gear Anthony would be receiving in the event of a win would also be helping to perpetuate inspiration gained from all outdoor experiences as he gives of himself in creating ability to those of us that are challenged to get there if it weren't for his unselfish and cheery can-do attitude!

Anthony in his Jackson Journey with one of his nephews.

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